AWFN annual meeting:
Our main networking activity is our annual AWFN meeting, where we bring together laboratory and crime scene practitioners working on wildlife law enforcement issues across Africa
International wildlife forensics community:
The AWFN maintains close links with the wider wildlife forensic science community, in particular the Society for Wildlife Forensic Science (SWFS). Where possible, the AWFN facilitates the attendance of our members at the biennial SWFS meeting.
Inter-laboratory exchanges:
The network supports scientific exchange visits between laboratories within the AWFN to enable knowledge transfer among members. We may also be able to support inter-laboratory exchanges between African and non-African labs to address specific training needs.
Resource sharing and access:
Alongside training visits, the AWFN works to enable the transfer of reference samples, reference data and protocols among wildlife forensic practitioners and works to develop common resources for the African wildlife forensics community.
Explore our work concerning Crime Scene Training and Wildlife Laboratory Analysis.